Monday, March 10, 2014

My First Opera - La Vedova Allegra

Last Thursday I went to my first opera with our opera class. We were all so excited! The opera we saw was called La Vedova Allegra or The Merry Widow. It is a very famous Italian opera.

We saw the opera in the Filarmonico Theatre, since unfortunately the Arena is closed until June. The Theatre was so gorgeous, we sat up pretty high but were centered and had a good view of the stage.

The opera was a comedy and was in Italian which made it hard to understand (obviously) but we knew the synopsis and characters from studying in class, which helped. The songs were very cool and mostly upbeat. The final act was the best because it was set at a wedding. There were three acrobats that did a ton of cool flips and tricks while the other actors danced. It really turned into a show!

Overall, the opera was a success, we all had fun dressing up a bit and going to the theatre for a night of entertainment.

The Kappa's - Jordyn, me and Lisa

Mary and I

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