Tuesday, January 14, 2014

First gelato in Italy

Monday was our first day of classes. I had Italian in the morning for two hours. I learned a descent amount during my first class! I should be more prepared to speak the language in a few weeks. After Italian we had a few hour break, during this time a few girls and I went into the city center and got our first gelato! My flavors were caffĂ© and Nutella, I know it seems like a weird combo, but it worked well together. 

It was about 50 degrees out so we walked to Piazza Bra, which is the plaza where the Arena is located, and ate our gelato by the fountain. It was such a cute spot to take in the city and enjoy our snack. 

With a few hours to spare, we headed back to the apartment and relaxed. I decided to go to on a run to work off all the food I have been consuming. I ended up near the river, so the scenery was great for a casual afternoon run. I'm hoping to explore the city more this way and find peaceful spots near our apartment. 

My second class of the day was at 4pm, and it was Art History. I can already tell I'm going to love this class! The teacher has taught in a bunch of universities and also gives tours in Verona, so he is very knowledgable. We will be taking field trips with the class to near by cities and also around Verona. Much more to come on this class!

I also signed up to volunteer at the Juliet Organization, which I am so excited about! With this organization, I will most likely to going through a lot of the letters that are written to 'Juliet' and will be organizing them as well as responding to the letters that are written in english. I'm excited to see what this opportunity has in store!

Tuesday was a more laid back day. I just had Italian this morning, then we took the afternoon to check out the public library. It was very modern, considering the city is 2000 years old. On our way back to the apartment to take a much needed nap, we stopped at a gelatera to get gelato….again. Some girls tried their chocolate crepes as well. 

After a long nap, we got up and went to Ippopotamos for dinner and got some american comfort food. I had a caesar salad and shared a fired chicken platter that was very interested. It had chicken nuggets, chicken balls chicken sticks and waffle fries. It hit the spot, thats for sure. 

Once we were back at the apartment, we decided to start booking our first trip! My two roommates Jordyn and Lauren as well as our other two friends Mary and Lisa will be heading to Amsterdam for the weekend of February 14-16. I can't wait to visit this historical and fun city in the Netherlands. 

1 comment:

MJD said...


I love hearing about your Italian experiences and especially the scenic run by the river. Great day for you!

Uncle Mike