Saturday, January 11, 2014

Voyage to Verona

I have arrived!! The journey to Verona was probably the most exciting 12 hour trip I'll ever take. I was anxious to board the plane to our first stop in Munich, Germany. Waiting around in O'Hare is not very excited BUT it was fun to chat with all my fellow study abroad-ers. The 8 hour plane ride went relatively smoothly, although sleeping was a struggle. Thank god for the red wine with dinner.

Next we took a flight from Munich to Verona. It was much smaller but it was a very smooth ride. On the way over we got a great birds eye view of the Alps:

After landing in Verona, we all finally meet the infamous Claudio Balasso, our resident director of the Verona program. Right away I knew he was going to be very helpful and informative as an Italian resident. He also had a welcome Illini sign on the bus that took everyone to their apartment. And to top that off he even wore an orange a blue jacket which made me feel right at home!
Our apartment is so cute! My two roommates Jordyn and Lauren meet with our landlord Sylvania, a little old lady with lots of rules. Strict-ness aside I think our apartment will be a great home away from home. We have a cute balcony off of the living/dinning room, there are three bedrooms but Sylv told us the third room was 'not for you' meaning we have a double and a single to use. Odd, but whatever, nothing was going to ruin our day! 
Promptly after unpacking we headed over to grab dinner (around 9pm… I was starving). The restaurant, Casa Vino, was a great first eat in Italy. The food was delicious, it was served family style which was very fun and social, and I can't forget to mention that it was an 8 course meal. The plates kept coming and coming and the waiters made us finish just about everything before they would remove the previous plates to bring out the next course! Typical Italian style. The dessert plate was the only picture I was able to take since I was so excited for the first 7 courses… but as you can see it was partially eaten as well. We were so full!! 

To work off our first Italian dinner, we explored the city a bit. We came across Castelvecchio, which is the royal castle in Verona! It was very old and medieval looking, very different to anything in America. But nonetheless it was beautiful. 

It was an unforgettable first night in Verona. Ciao!

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